How to use TrueSocialMetrics Chrome plugin for export

To use the TrueSocialMetrics Chrome plugin for exporting data, follow these steps:

  • Install the TrueSocialMetrics Chrome plugin from the Chrome Web Store.
  • Open a new Google Sheets document.
  • Click on the TrueSocialMetrics icon in your Chrome toolbar to open the plugin.
  • Select the social media platform you want to export data from (e.g. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook).
  • Choose the export option that you want to use (e.g. export followers, export engagement metrics).
  • Set any filters or date ranges you want to apply to the export data.
  • Click on the "Export" button to begin the export process.
  • Wait for the export to complete. This may take some time depending on the amount of data being exported.
  • Once the export is complete, you can view the data in a Google Sheets document.

Note that the specific export options and process may vary depending on the social media platform you are exporting from. However, the general steps for using TrueSocialMetrics for exporting data should be similar across platforms.

How to login into TrueSocialMetrics Chrome plugin

TrueSocialMetrics Chrome plugin helps users analyze their social media performance. To use the TrueSocialMetrics plugin for exporting data, you'll need to log in and authenticate your social media accounts. Here's how:

  • Install the TrueSocialMetrics plugin from the Chrome Web Store.
  • Once installed, click on the TrueSocialMetrics icon in your Chrome toolbar to open the plugin.
  • Click on the "Log in" button next to the platform you selected.
  • A new window will appear prompting you to log in to your social media account. Enter your username and password and click "Log in."
  • If prompted, authorize TrueSocialMetrics to access your social media data.
  • Once you've logged in and authorized the plugin, you should be able to export data from your social media account using TrueSocialMetrics.

Note that the exact process for logging in and authenticating your social media accounts may vary depending on the platform you're using. However, the general process should be similar for most social media platforms.